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Satchel Idle Gif.gif


Satchel is a shy but kind-hearted robin, and son of a nobleman from the bird kingdom of the mountains. As a talented musician, he often uses his music to charm his way out of trouble. If need be however, he's no stranger to a hefty hammer.

Facecard Satchel.png


Species: Robin

  • Satchel levels up with Tetromino pieces instead of individual spaces. These pieces can be anywhere in a 5x11 area.
  • Status Charm.png Charm: A status effect unique to Satchel. Whenever an enemy has a stack of Charm greater or equal to their current HP.png health, they become friendly, attacking your current targeted enemy instead of you. Hazard actions are skipped, and any intent that would effect all enemies will instead effect you and any other charmed enemies. If all remaining enemies are charmed, they all Flee.png leave the combat, providing experience.
  • Whistle: (1 Energy.png Energy Cost, Adds 3 Status Charm.png Charm to enemy)
  • Pockets! Disconnected spaces are considered different pockets, allowing for certain item synergies.
  • Unique Items: Instruments and Drums that Status Charm.png Charm enemies, Hammers that apply bonuses to other hammers two spaces away, and other items that revolve around manipulating pockets and spaces in the bag, such as Talon Boots.

Satchel Exclusive Items


  • Satchel is likely the second character to be unlocked in any given playthrough. Given his similarities to Purse, many of the tips that apply to her apply to him as well.
  • Due to a combination of few restricted items and a large number of unique items, Satchel easily has the largest item pool of all characters. However, due to this, it may be trickier to obtain items needed for pure builds, prompting the need to balance Status Charm.png Charm and Attack.png Damage in most combats.
  • In a similar vein, balancing backpack space count with pocket count is another challenge players must solve in a run, as there's no current method to remove a space in your backpack. Careful placement is needed to obtain the maximum number of pockets while minimizing spaces lost upon level up.
  • Strategic Status Charm.png Charming allows witty Satchel players to avoid many nasty enemy actions such as Status Effects and Hazards, while also taking advantage of things such as Heal All.png Healing and Blessings.
  • Should they balance all these mechanics, Satchel players are rewarded with powerful tools they can use to cleanly complete runs.


Satchel's father was a generous lord in the Talon Empire, and a staunch critic of the three tyrannical emperors of the Bird Kingdom. He worked tirelessly to help the common bird.

Satchel's familial home was destroyed in a raid by the army of the Bird Empire due to his father’s defiance, and association with the anti-crown political movement known as Skylight. The father, who got critically injured during the attack, asked his only son for one last favor in his final moments. He gave him a sacred relic, a fragment of The Spiral of Feathers, he had been hiding from his enemies, and shared a terrible secret the Crown had been desperately trying to keep from getting out. Satchel fled with what little he could grab stuffed into a magic bag, to seek sanctuary with one of his allies in the Oakshire Forest..


(sprite history)


  • Satchel was supposed to be the second character released (after Purse). However, just a few hours before he was supposed to release, he was cut until a later update because the developers found his sliding-block puzzle style to not be fun.