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Relics are rewards for defeating Bosses! Use them to maximize your builds and prepare for the next zone!

Heavy Icon.png
Sinks to the bottom of your bag
Float Icon.png
Rises to the top of your bag
Conductive Icon.png
Allows a Mana Network to pass through
Projectile Icon.png
Ignores Status Spikes.png Spikes.
Can be moved during Combat to trigger an effect


Sprite Name Type Size Cost Stats
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

If you would take 5 or lessAttack.png Damage:

Attack.png Damage reduced to 1
Card Type Relic.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Heavy Icon.png

On Take Attack.png Damage:

Each Turn effects are applied again
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn
Belt of Knives.png
Belt of Knives
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Projectile Icon.png

When you Use.png use 5 items turn:

Deal 6 Attack.png Damage to all Enemies
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

On use:

Weapons behind this get 500% Attack.png Damage Permamently
Weapons behind this are Use.png Used
Weapons behind this are Bomb.png Destroyed
Brutal Bombstone.png
Brutal Bombstone
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

All Weapons get +500% bonus Attack.png Damage

All Weapons Get:

On use:
Bomb.png Destroyed
Cleansing Candle.png
Cleansing Flame
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Whenever a Status Effect is removed from anyone:

Adds Status Burn.png Burn equal to the amount removed
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Conductive Icon.png

Connected Weapons get +25% bonus Attack.png Damage

(Currently removed from the game, will be readded in a future update)

Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

At end of combat:

Select a common item to be duplicated
Cotton Ball.png
Cotton Ball
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

-2 Mana.png Mana cost to adjacent Wands

Adjacent Wands Get:

On use:
+1 Mana.png Mana cost this combat
Egg Timer.png
Egg Timer
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Each turn:

-2 HP.png HP to self

All Weapons Get:

On use:
+1 Attack.png Damage this combat
Ember Shard.png
Ember Shard
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Tote.png

Each turn:

If you did not use a Weapon last turn:
Adds 1 Energy.png Energy

Knowledge.png "He will win, who knows when to fight and when to not fight"

Fluffy Cotton.png
Fluffy Cotton
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Conductive Icon.png

Each turn:

For each Energy.png Energy:
Removes 1 Energy.png Energy
Adds 3 Mana.png Mana to 3 Mana.png connected Mana Network
Frog Totem.png
Frog Totem
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.pngMap Tote.png

Conductive Icon.png

Each Turn:

Adds 3 Mana.png Mana to the connected Mana Network

(Currently removed from the game, will be readded in a future update)

Gem of Anna.png
Gem of Anna
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Conductive Icon.png

On take Attack.png Damage:

Negates Attack.png Damage taken
Select 1 item to be Bomb.png Destroyed
+1 item to be Bomb.png Destroyed
Glass Bottle.png
Glass Bottle
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Each turn:

If last turn's Block.png Block was 0:
Add 1 Energy.png Energy
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

All Weapons get +200% bonus Attack.png Damage

All Weapons Get This Effect Applied:

On use:
-1 Attack.png Damage this combat

(Currently removed from the game, will be readded in a future update)

Humble Offering.png
Humble Offering
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Conductive Icon.png

You can only find Common and Uncommon items in combat rewards

Each turn:

Adds 1 Energy.png Energy
Ice Cream.png
Ice Cream
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Conductive Icon.png

Sets Energy.png Energy Gain to 0

Each turn:

+1 Energy.png Energy this combat
Adds 0 Energy.png Energy
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.png

Conductive Icon.png

When an item is Bomb.png Destroyed:

Create a new item of the same size
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn

Knowledge.png "Imitation is not the sincerest form of flattery"

Meditation Idol.png
Meditation Idol
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Conductive Icon.png

This item must be placed in a unique tile each combat

Each turn:

Adds 1 Energy.png Energy

At end of combat:

Removed from backpack
Mouse Wood.png
Mouse Wood
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Each turn:

Adds 0 Energy.png Energy

For every 5 empty spaces:

+1 Energy.png Energy
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

For every 40 Gold.png Gold:

+ 1 Energy.png Energy

Each turn:

Adds 0 Energy.png Energy

On take Attack.png Damage: -3 Gold.png Gold

Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

All Consumables get +200% bonus Healing

(Currently removed from the game, will be readded in a future update)

Shield Demon.png
Shield Demon
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

All Shields get: On Use:

Adjacent Weapons are Use.png Used
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn

Shield Spirit.png
Shield Spirit
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Each turn:

Keep half of your Block.png Block from previous turn
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

When an item is Bomb.png Destroyed:

Adds 1 Energy.png
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn
Spicy Ginger.png
Spicy Ginger
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

You cannot place items of the same type next to each other

Each turn:

Adds 2 Energy.png Energy
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 3.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

On use:

Adds 1 Status Sleep.png Sleep to all enemies
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 combat
Tip Jar.png
Tip Jar
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Satchel.png

When an enemy Flee.png runs away:

+1 Gold.png Gold
Card Type Relic.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

You cannot rotate items

Each turn:

Adds 2 Energy.png Energy
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Tote.png

Each Turn:

Preserve Energy.png Energy from last turn

Spring Gem.png
Spring Gem
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.pngMap Satchel.pngMap Cr-8.pngMap Pochette.png

Decreases the cost of all adjacent items to 0 Energy.png Energy

Adjacent items get:

Each Turn:
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn
Organized List.png
Organized List
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Purse.png

-3 Energy.png Energy Cost to Reorganize in Combat

On reorganize:

Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn
Spare Glasses.png
Spare Glasses
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Tote.png

Each Turn:

Adds 2 Energy.png Energy

On Toss:

Disabled.png Disabled for 1 combat

"I can't see without my glasses"

Frog Hat.png
Frog Hat
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Tote.png

-1 Energy.png Energy Cost to Toss

Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Tote.png


[Must be played on a Carving!]

On Use

Carvings behind are discarded
+1 Energy.png Energy Cost this Turn
Wasp Honey.png
Wasp Honey
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Tote.png

Projectile Icon.png

On use: Deals 3 Attack.png Damage to all enemies:

Every 3th Carving you play this turn:

This is Use.png Used
Gambler Toad.png
Gambler Toad
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Tote.png

If your backpack is full:

Toss Attack.png Damage is doubled
Lily Pad.png
Lily Pad
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Map Tote.png

On Use:

Discarded.png Discard all Carvings in your Backpack
Cracked Bottle.png
Cracked Bottle
Card Type Relic.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Tote.png

Toss gains Attack.png Damage for each Carving in your Backpack

(Currently Removed from the game)

Reverse Hourglass.png
Reverse Hourglass
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Tote.png

2 Use.png Uses each turn

If your hand is empty, Draw.png draw a new Carving

Magic Puddle.png
Magic Puddle
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

If a charge exits your backpack, it will reappear at this item

Olive Branch.png
Olive Branch
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Satchel.png

If no Attack.png Damage was dealt this turn:

Adds 8 Status Charm.png Charm to all enemies