Cursed Items

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Oh No, You've been Cursed! Curse.png

A curse, or cursed item, is a harmful item type received by some items and events. Cursed items come with their own unique mechanics that can not only hinder, but even help your current backpack build if you use them right. They come in all shapes, sizes, and even item types, just like normal items. Smaller items tend to have more intensive downsides to counteract their smaller profiles, while larger items are usually more benign, with their main downside being filling up the backpack itself.

Obtaining a Curse

The two methods of obtaining curses are:

  • Obtaining one from an item or event, such as the Pandora's Box item or the Frog Roulette and Glitched Eye events. These, if obtained, are directly spawned in, available to be added or left behind as you wish.
  • Ending a combat with the "Curse" Status. This status is placed by certain items such as the Cursed Shiv. Like any status effect, this may be removed by items such as a Cleansing Potion to prevent obtaining a curse. Upon combat end, you are prompted into choosing one of three potential curse items to be your next cursed item. Upon selection, this curse will subsequently replace one of your combat rewards.

Removing Curses

Upon leaving behind a curse, a curse counter located at the top of the UI will increment, indicating the number of curses outside of your backpack. While curses aren't required to be inside the backpack at all times, future combat rewards will have up to 4 options replaced by any curses left behind from previous combats or events. To properly remove a curse from your backpack, you must either destroy or cleanse the cursed item.

Lantern.pngCleansing Curses

Cleansing is a special item property provided by a select few items and events. This property removes the cursed item from the curse counter, allowing it to be left behind with no repercussions. The current item sources of cleansing are the Lantern and Lil Lamp. Upon alternate use outside of combat, you may select any non cleansed cursed item to cleanse. Another method of cleansing is choosing the Cleanse All Curses option from the Healer at the end of Act 1 and Act 2. While costing 10 gold and losing the opportunity for healing or increasing max health, all curses, both inside and outside of your inventory, will be promptly be cleansed.

Bomb.pngDestroying Curses

As all curses are technically items, they are able to be destroyed by anything that may destroy a normal item. This includes items such as the Hungry Manastone, Dynamite, or even a cursed item like Evil Hand. External item modifiers from relics, such as Bombstone also work. Other methods of destroying items include events such as the Shady Trader or Chester, as well as placing a curse inside a Pouch, then removing or destroying it.

Managing Curses

One of the main mechanics of cursed items is their double edged nature. While providing downsides ranging from self damage each turn to disabling adjacent items on use, they also provide benefits such has higher base damage/block, buffs, and many times, unique interactions with both normal items and other curses. Combined with the occasional scarcity of removal options, key placement and management of curses is a key factor in the early and mid game of any run, as proper usage of cursed items can swing negatives into net positives, and potentially increase the power of other items in a backpack.


  • Originally, curses took up space like normal items, and were given by enemies the same way enemies currently give out hazards. Eventually, curses could be placed over items. Curses were ultimately reworked to cursed items in the Curse Update, with hazards fulfilling its old role. In the Enemy Update, enemies lost their ability to give cursed items.


  • Cicada Shell is a reference to the Pokémon Shedinja.

Cursed Items

Sprite Name Type Size Cost Stats
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Weapon.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Satchel.png

For each Item in this Pocket

+1 Attack.png Damage to self

On Use:

Deals 9 Attack.png Damage

Noctua turned the solid ground wet, and the burning oak against them

Beast Ring.png
Beast's Ring
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Ring.png

Card Type Accessory.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

Adjacent Melee Weapons get +1 Attack.png Damage

Each Turn:

Hurts! Deals 1 Attack.png Damage to self

He who haunts the dungeon

Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Plant.png

Card Type Carving.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png
No Cost.png

Map Tote.png

Conductive Icon.png

Each Turn:

Adds 1 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana Network

On Discarded.png Discard:

Adds 10 Status Poison.png Poison to self
Blood Bow.png
Blood Bow
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Bow.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Turns around
Fires the first Arrow in each Row/Column to the (Directional)
Blood Wand.png
Blood Wand
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Magic.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

Each Combat:

All connected Manastones are Disabled.png Disabled for 1 Turn
Cicada Shell.png
Cicada Shell
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Pochette.png

Each Turn:

Adds 1 Status Dodge.png Dodge to Self

On take Attack.png Damage:

Hurts! Deals 999 Attack.png Damage to Self
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Carving.png
Wand Shape.png
Summon Cost:
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Tote.png

On Summon:

Deals 5 Attack.png Damage to all Enemies

Each Turn:

Hurts! Deals 3 Attack.png Damage to Self

When an adjacent Consumable is Used:

Discarded.png Discarded
Corrupted Ring.png
Corrupted Ring
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Carving.png
1x1 Shape.png
Summon Cost:
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Tote.png

Conductive Icon.png

If in hand on turn end:

Hurts! Deals 3 Attack.png Damage to self
Cursed Battery.png
Cursed Battery
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Component.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

1 Use.png use per combat

Can be Use.png Used Directly

On Use:

Hurts! Deals 10 Attack.png Damage to self
Creates a 2 Energy.png Energy charge up
Cursed Sap.png
Cursed Sap
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Carving.png

Card Type Sap.png
1x1 Shape.png
Summon Cost:
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Tote.png

Conductive Icon.pngPierce Icon.png

when connected to 3 Saps:

Deals 4 Attack.png Damage
Discarded.png Discarded
Cursed Shield.png
Cursed Shield
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Shield.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Adds 10 Block.png Block
Adds 1 Status Dodge.png Dodge to all enemies
Edelwood Branch.png
Edelwood Branch
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Carving.png
2x1 Shape.png
Summon Cost:
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Tote.png

Each Turn:

Adds 5 Block.png Block

On Discarded.png Discard:

-1 Gold.png Gold
Evil Hand.png
Evil Hand
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Armor.png

Card Type Glove.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

Each turn:

Pulls items closer. If the item cannot move closer, it will be Bomb.png Destroyed

When an item is Bomb.png Destroyed by this:

Adds 2 Status Rage.png Rage to self

Here's your new home

Exposed Wire.png
Exposed Wire
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Component.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use:

Deals 2 Attack.png Damage to everyone
Redirects Charge
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Book.png

Card Type Magic.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Adds 2 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn

At end of turn:

Removes all Mana.png Mana from connected Mana.png Mana network

Don't forget to do your homework

Insidious Buckler.png
Insidious Buckler
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Shield.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Add 10 Block.png Block

On take Attack.png Damage:

Add 2 Status Poison.png Poison to self
Joker Cleaver.png
Joker Cleaver
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Cleaver.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Purse.png

On Use:

Turns clockwise
Deals 7 Attack.png Damage
The (Directional) cleaver is used

"He's laughing at me"

? Forge.png

Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Accessory.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Pochette.png

Projectile Icon.png

For each defeated Pet:

Adjacent Weapons get +5 Attack.png Damage

Each turn:

Deals 1 Attack.png Damage to everyone
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Accessory.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

Must be Played on an item

At end of turn:

Hurts! Deals 2 Attack.png Damage to self

On Use:

Items this is played on are Bomb.png Destroyed
Disabled.png Disabled for the rest of this combat
Living Rock.png
Living Rock
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Accessory.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

Each turn:

Moves forward 1 space
Deals 3 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

If this can not move:

Hurts! 5 Attack.png Damage to self
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Accessory.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

Each Turn:

Creates Matryoshkas in empty adjacent spaces
Possessed Pot.png
Possessed Pot
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Accessory.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Creates a Potion in this row
Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn

At end of turn:

Creates Noxious Fumes
Rafflesia Shield.png
Rafflesia Shield
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Carving.png

Card Type Shield.png
2x2 Shape.png
Summon Cost:
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Tote.png

If in hand at end of turn:

Adds 3 Status Poison.png Poison to self

On summon:

Adds 10 Block.png Block
Red Ribbon Rapier.png
Red Ribbon Rapier
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Weapon.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Deals 10 Attack.png Damage
Hurts! Deals 3 Attack.png Damage to self

On take Attack.png Damage:

Disabled.png Disabled for the rest of this combat
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Accessory.png
2L Shape.png
No Cost.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

At the start of combat:

Adds Status Exhaust.png Exhaust
Adds 5 Status Rage.png Rage to self
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Instrument.png
Wand Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Satchel.png

On Use:

Adds 7 Status Charm.png Charm to enemy

When an item kills an enemy:

Adds 5 Status Poison.png Poison to self
Adds Status Exhaust.png Exhaust
Soul Axe.png
Soul Axe
Card Type Curse.png
Card Type Weapon.png
(I don't think anyone has this shape)
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Deals 10 Attack.png Damage

When an adjacent item is used:

Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn
Spiky Crown.png
Spiky Crown
Card Type Curse.png

Card Type Armor.png

Card Type Helmet.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

When an adjacent item is used:

Adds 1 Status Spikes.png Spikes to self
Hurts! Deals 1 Attack.png Damage to self

Curse.png Curse Creating Items

Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Cursed Potion.png
Cursed Potion
Card Type Consumable.png

Card Type Potion.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png
Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

On Use:

Adds Great Luck.png Luck
Creates a Curse.png Curse
Bomb.png Destroyed
Pandora's Box.png
Pandora's Box
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use:

Adds Great Luck.png Luck
Deals 10 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
Creates a Curse.png Curse
Bomb.png Destroyed
Unlucky Horseshoe.png
Unlucky Horseshoe
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
Downwards Triangle Shape.png
No Cost.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

At combat end:

Create a Curse.png Curse
Cursed Shiv.png
Cursed Shiv
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png
Disabled.pngMap Tote.png
Conductive Icon.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per turn

On Use:

Deals 5 Attack.png Damage

On kill (non summon):

Adds Curse.png Curse to self

Knowledge.png "Unspeakably cursed"

3 Forge.png

Cursed Whetstone.png
Cursed Whetstone
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On Use:

Adjacent weapons gets +125% Attack.png Damage this Combat
Adds Curse.png Curse to self

Curse.png Curse Interacting Items

Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Alternate Use.png

2 Use.png Uses

Used with these types:

Curse.png Curse

On Alternate Use.png Alternate Use:

Cleanses Curse.png Curse

When out of uses:

Bomb.png Destroyed
Little Lamp.png
Little Lamp
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Alternate Use.png

Used with these types:

Curse.png Curse

On Alternate Use.png Alternate Use:

Cleanses Curse.png Curse
Bomb.png Destroyed
Cursed Blade.png
Cursed Blade
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png
Disabled.pngMap Tote.png
Conductive Icon.png

On Use:

Deals 8 Attack.png Damage

For each adjacent Curse.png Curse:

+2 Attack.png Damage

Knowledge.png "Many have tried to wield this sword - none have succeeded"

3 Forge.png

Emerald Bracelet.png
Emerald Bracelet
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Conductive Icon.png

For each Adjacent Curse.png Curse:

+1 Energy.png Energy

Each Combat:

Adds 0 Energy.png Energy