Venom Sword

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Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Venom Sword.png
Venom Sword
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Disabled.pngMap Tote.png

Does Attack.png Damage equal to 100% of your current Status Poison.png Poison

On Use:

Deals 0 Attack.png Damage

Knowledge.png "Physician heal thyself"

3 Forge.png


The Venom Sword synergizes with the following items:

  • Poison Ivy, Poison Whetstone, Poison Bubble and Shamisen all have an effect to add Status Poison.png Poison to yourself, which the Venom Sword can turn into Attack.png Damage.
    • Also applies to Bramble and Spoiled Milk, although less effectively since those are consumables.
    • The Noxious Fumes created by the Possessed Pot can also add Status Poison.png Poison to yourself.
  • Since Status Poison.png Poison deals unblockable Attack.png Damage to self, items such as Metallic Mask, Barbell, Boo-Hoo Buckler, the secondary form of Tragicomedy Shield and Top Hat can benefit from build involving the Venom Sword.