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Playing Possum is an event that can be encountered within the Dungeon.

"A single flower upon his chest. The possum has been here for several days. Poor fellow."

[ Pray for him ]

You kneel to pray for him. Your good deed strengthens you.

  • Increase Max HP.png HP by 5

[ Steal from the body ]

As you reach down, a his tail flicks. He leaps up. "Try to steal from me will you?" He says. "I'll show you!".

  • Enter combat with Possum Player.

Possum Player Card.png
Items awarded for the fight seem to be regular combat rewards.


You pull an uncommon item from beneath the body. It's a little gross honestly.

  • Receive item (note: in my case, a box of nails loot item)

[ No Thanks! ]

You continue onward.

  • Nothing happens. Leave event (but are able to re-enter).