Gambling Mole

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NPC quote

The Gambling Mole (canon name is Morrie) has a chance to appear as a random event throughout the dungeon on each level without a boss fight.

She offers the player 1 out of the 2 options for each encounter, either

  • Spin the Wheel, or
  • Match the Card

Spin the Wheel

By paying Gold.png Gold, you can spin a wheel and obtain the item the wheel lands on.

  • The wheels contains 6 items, where 5 are a random item, and 1 is a random Curse.png Curse
  • The first time to spin is free, the second time costs 3 Gold.png Gold, then the price doubles for each spin afterwards (6 Gold.png, 12 Gold.png, 24 Gold.png, etc.)
  • You can leave the event and come back as many times as you want. However, the prizes and gold cost will not reset

Match the Card

You can play a memory card game where you flip 2 facedown cards each turn, and obtain the item if the 2 cards are matching. You will play a total of 6(?) turns before you are forced to stop.

  • There are a total of 12 cards, which means there are 6 items with 4 of them being a random item and 2 of them being a random Curse.png Curse
  • After flipping 2 cards each turn, both cards will be flipped back facing down if they are different items
  • You must complete all turns and can't exit the game until you do so