CR-8 Exclusive Items

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Heavy Icon.png
Sinks to the bottom of your bag
Conductive Icon.png
Allows a Mana Network to pass through
Projectile Icon.png
Ignores Status Spikes.png Spikes.


Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

Redirects charge
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

Redirects charge

On Alternate Use.png Alternate Use:

Toggles direction
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

Redirects charge
Toggles direction

On Alternate Use.png Alternate Use:

Toggles direction
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

Redirects charge
Director Left.png
Director Right.png
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

Redirects charge

On Alternate Use.png Alternate Use:

Toggles direction
Coolant Paste.png
Coolant Paste
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 3.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Heat.png Overheat:

Resets the Heat.png Overheat of adjacent and diagonal components
Bomb.png Destroyed
Disposable Battery.png
Disposable Battery
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used directly

On use:

Creates a 2 Energy.png Energy Chargeup
Bomb.png Destroyed
Double Battery.png
Double Battery
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used directly

On use:

Creates a 1 Energy.png Energy charge up and down
Bomb.png Destroyed
Heat Switch Left.png

Heat Switch Right.png
Card Type Component.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 3.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

Redirects charge
Toggles direction

On Alternate Use.png Alternate Use:

Toggles direction
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

Charges in the same row or column as this are pulled closer

Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

Charges in the same row or column as this are pushed away

Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 1.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use (until Heat.png Overheat):

Adds 1 Energy.png Energy
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per combat

On use:

Creates a 1 Energy.png Energy charge up

This item can be Use.png Used directly

Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 3.png
Map Cr-8.png
Projectile Icon.png

On Heat.png Overheat:

Deals 8 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

Defensive Cell.png
Defensive Cell
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per turn

When an adjacent shield is Use.png Used:

Creates a 1 Energy.png Energy charge up
Destructive Cell.png
Destructive Cell
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per turn

When an adjacent item is Bomb.png Destroyed:

Creates a 1 Energy.png Energy charge up
Reactive Cell.png
Reactive Cell
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per turn

When an adjacent weapon is Use.png Used:

Creates a 1 Energy.png Energy charge up
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 3.png
Map Cr-8.png

On Heat.png Overheat:

Adds 8 Attack.png Block

Icky Rotator.png
Icky Rotator
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Heat Limit 2.png
Map Cr-8.png

On use (until Heat.png Overheat):

Deals 1 Status Poison.png Poison to all enemies

On use:

Redirects Charge
Sharp Rotator.png
Sharp Rotator
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Heat Limit 4.png
Map Cr-8.png

On use (until Heat.png Overheat):

Deals 3 Attack.png Damage

On use:

Redirects Charge
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use: The adjacent item above is Bomb.png Destroyed

For each space the Bomb.png Destroyed item occupied, +1 Energy.png Energy

Adds 0 Energy.png Energy

Heavy Grinder.png
Heavy Grinder
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png
Map Cr-8.png
Heavy Icon.png

On use: The adjacent item above is Bomb.png Destroyed

For each space the Bomb.png Destroyed item occupied, +1 Energy.png Energy

Adds 0 Energy.png Energy

Mana Reverser.png
Mana Reverser
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 4.png
Map Cr-8.png
Conductive Icon.png

On use (until Heat.png Overheat):

Adds 1 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana Network

On use:

Redirects Charge

Citrine Reverser.png
Citrine Reverser
Card Type Gem.png

Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 3.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use (until Heat.png Overheat):

Adjacent Weapons get +1 Attack.png Damage this turn

On use:

Redirects Charge
Ruby Rotator.png
Ruby Rotator
Card Type Gem.png

Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 3.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use (until Heat.png Overheat):

Adjacent Weapons get +1 Attack.png Damage this turn

On use:

Redirects Charge
Fiber Optic.png
Fiber Optic
Card Type Component.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Heat Limit 1.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use(until Heat.png Overheat): The item to the left is Use.png Used The item below' is Use.png Used On use:

Redirects Charge

Card Type Component.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 2.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use(until Heat.png Overheat): Destroys charge. Creates 1 Energy.png Energy charges for each Energy.png Energy the charge held.

Info.png Breaks Charge into multiple 1 Energy.png Energy Charges

Card Type Component.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use(until Heat.png Overheat): Destroys charge. Creates 2 charges with half Energy.png Energy the charge held.

Info.png Rounds up except for charges with only 1 Energy.png Energy

Charger Empty.png

Charger Full.png
Card Type Component.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 4.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use(until Heat.png Overheat):

Destroys Charges. First charge is stored. Second charge releases twice the Energy.png Energy stored

Info.png The Energy.png Energy value of the first charge is doubled by having a second charge enter this item, then resets


3 Energy.png Energy Charge enters Charger
1 Energy.png Energy Charge enters Charger
6 Energy.png Energy Charge leaves Charger


1 Energy.png Energy Charge enters Charger
4 Energy.png Energy Charge enters Charger
2 Energy.png Energy Charge leaves Charger

Card Type Component.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Heat Limit 4.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use(until Heat.png Overheat):

Adds 1 Energy.png Energy


Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Big Gear.png
Big Gear
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

On rotate:

Adds 9 Block.png Block
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

The adjacent weapon this points to get +2 Attack.png Damage

Steel Gear.png
Steel Gear
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

All connected Gears rotate

On rotate:

Adds 4 Block.png Block
Double Gear.png
Double Gear
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

The diagonal weapons this points to get +2 Attack.png Damage On rotate:

Deals 2 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
Sharp Gear.png
Sharp Gear
Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

All connected Gears rotate

On rotate:

Deals 4 Attack.png Damage
Solid Gear.png
Solid Gear
Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Map Cr-8.png

On rotate:

Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

"CR-8? CR-8? CRATEEE!"

Active Gear.png
Active Gear
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Cr-8.png

On use:

All connected Gears rotate

On rotate:

The adjacent item this points to is Use.png Used


Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per turn

On Use:

Creates a charge with your remaining Energy.png Energy up'

Can be Use.png Used directly

Must be in backpack, can not be left behind. If this is Bomb.png Destroyed, instantly die.

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per combat

On Use:

Reorganize your backpack in combat

Can be Use.png Used directly

Circuit Board.png
Circuit Board
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use:

Reorganize your backpack in combat
Bomb.png Destroyed

Can be Use.png Used directly

Automatic Hatchet.png
Automatic Hatchet
Card Type Melee.png
Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use, for each Energy.png Energy Remaining:

Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
Destroys charge

1 forge slot

Cup of Oil.png
Cup of Oil
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

When Bomb.png Destroyed:

Replaced with Empty Cup.png Empty Cup

On Use:

Adds 2 Energy.png Energy
Bomb.png Destroyed

Robo Buckler.png
Robo Buckler
Card Type Shield.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use, for each Energy.png Energy Remaining:

Adds 6 Block.png Block
Destroys charge

1 forge slot

Windshield Wiper.png
Windshield Wiper
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use:

Hazards in this row or column are Bomb.png Destroyed

Can be Use.png Used directly

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use:

Adjacent items are pushed away
Mechanical Gem.png
Mechanical Gem
Card Type Accessory.png
Card Type Gem.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

When this finishes moving:

Weapons in this column gain +3 Attack.png damage
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use:

The adjacent item up is pushed away
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

On Use:

The closest item below is pulled up
Defensive Grid.png
Defensive Grid
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Map Cr-8.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per turn

For each space a charge has traveled before using this item: +1 Block.png Block

On Use:

Adds 0 Block.png Block
Ray Gun.png
Ray Gun
Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png
Map Cr-8.png
Projectile Icon.png

Can be Use.png Used 1 time per turn

For each space a charge has traveled before using this item: +1 Attack.png Damage

On Use:

Deals 0 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png

Magic Puddle.png
Magic Puddle
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Map Cr-8.png

If a charge exits your backpack, it will reappear at this item